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Résultats de Microsoft : résultat net diminué de 29% à 3 milliards de dollars
Chaque dollar de revenu en ligne est balayé par un dollar de perte

Le , par Pierre Louis Chevalier


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Résultats de Microsoft : résultat net diminué de 29% à 3 milliards de dollars

Chaque dollars de revenu en ligne est balayée par un dollars de perte
Microsoft vient d'annoncer les résultats trimestriels : Le total des revenus est en baisse de 17% à 13 milliards de dollars, et le résultat net a diminué de 29% à 3 milliards de dollars. Tous les départements de l'entreprise ont été durement touchés, mais les plus mauvais résultats de l'entreprise proviennent des activités en ligne. Il a la plus grande perte d'exploitation : 732 millions $, qui était de 1 M $ de plus que son chiffre d'affaires de $ 731 millions.

Cela signifie que chaque dollar de revenus des activités en ligne a été anéantie par un dollar de perte d'exploitation. Et les pertes d'exploitation s'accumulent vraiment. Pour l'année fiscale (qui s'est terminé en Juin), les activités en ligne ont montrés une perte d'exploitation de 2,2 milliards de dollars, presque deux fois plus que l'année précédente.

Malgré le bon lancement de Bing, les recettes sur le moteur de recherche ont stagnées au cours du trimestre.

On peu considérer cet équilibre financier comme un investissement de la part de Microsoft, de gros investissements ont été faits sur les activités en ligne, en particulier sur Bing, dans le but de prendre une place plus importantes de Microsoft sur les activités en ligne. Lire sur ce sujet :
La plus grosse erreur de Microsoft d'après Steve Ballmer : la recherche sur internet.
Microsoft veut investir massivement en recherches sur Bing et Internet

On peu cependant peut être entrevoir une embellie pour l'avenir avec la future commercialisation de Windows 7, étant donné que Window 7 semble reccueillir la satisfaction des utilisateurs, lire : Windows 7 RC disponible en téléchargement : test et témoignages

Microsoft Reports Fourth-Quarter Results
The company delivered operational efficiency and innovation in a difficult environment.

REDMOND, Wash. — July 23, 2009 — Microsoft Corp. today announced revenue of $13.10 billion for the fourth quarter ended June 30, 2009, a 17% decline from the same period of the prior year. Operating income, net income and diluted earnings per share for the quarter were $3.99 billion, $3.05 billion and $0.34 per share, which represented declines of 30%, 29% and 26%, respectively, when compared with the prior year period.

“Our business continued to be negatively impacted by weakness in the global PC and server markets,” said Chris Liddell, chief financial officer at Microsoft. “In light of that environment, it was an excellent achievement to deliver over $750 million of operational savings compared to the prior year quarter.”

The financial results for the fourth quarter ended June 30, 2009, included the deferral of $276 million of revenue related to the Windows 7 Upgrade Option program that was announced on June 25, 2009. This revenue deferral reduced earnings per share by $0.02.

The fourth-quarter financial results also included $193 million of legal charges, $108 million of impairments to investments and $40 million of additional severance charges related to the previously announced plan. Operating expenses were reduced by $105 million of capitalized research and development expenses due to the technical milestones reached for Windows 7. Combined, these items also reduced earnings per share by $0.02.

Significant product milestones were achieved in the quarter including the releases of Windows 7 release candidate, Windows Server 2008 R2 release candidate, as well as Bing, Microsoft’s search engine designed to help people make faster, more informed decisions.

For the fiscal year ended June 30, 2009, Microsoft reported revenue of $58.44 billion, a 3% decline from the prior year. Operating income, net income and diluted earnings per share for the year were $20.36 billion, $14.57 billion and $1.62, which represented declines of 9%, 18% and 13% respectively.

“While economic conditions presented challenges this year, we maintained our focus on delivering customer satisfaction and providing solutions to our customers to save money,” said Kevin Turner, chief operating officer at Microsoft. “I am very excited by the wave of product and services innovations being delivered in this next fiscal year.”

Business Outlook

Microsoft is providing operating expense guidance of $26.6 billion to $26.9 billion, for the full year ending June 30, 2010.

Management will discuss fourth-quarter results and the company’s business outlook on a conference call and webcast at 2:30 p.m. PDT (5:30 p.m. EDT) today.

Webcast Details

Chris Liddell, senior vice president and chief financial officer, Frank Brod, corporate vice president and chief accounting officer, and Bill Koefoed, general manager of Investor Relations, will host a conference call and webcast at 2:30 p.m. PDT (5:30 p.m. EDT) today to discuss details of the company’s performance for the quarter and certain forward-looking information. The session may be accessed at The webcast will be available for replay through the close of business on July 23, 2010.

About Microsoft

Founded in 1975, Microsoft (Nasdaq “MSFT”) is the worldwide leader in software, services and solutions that help people and businesses realize their full potential.

Forward-Looking Statements

Statements in this release that are “forward-looking statements” are based on current expectations and assumptions that are subject to risks and uncertainties. Actual results could differ materially because of factors such as:
• challenges to Microsoft’s business model;
• intense competition in all of Microsoft’s markets;
• Microsoft’s continued ability to protect its intellectual property rights;
• claims that Microsoft has infringed the intellectual property rights of others;
• the possibility of unauthorized disclosure of significant portions of Microsoft’s source code;
• actual or perceived security vulnerabilities in Microsoft products that could reduce revenue or lead to liability;
• government litigation and regulation affecting how Microsoft designs and markets its products;
• Microsoft’s ability to attract and retain talented employees;
• delays in product development and related product release schedules;
• significant business investments that may not gain customer acceptance and produce offsetting increases in revenue;
• unfavorable changes in general economic conditions, disruption of our partner networks or sales channels, or the availability of credit that affect the value of our investment portfolio or demand for Microsoft’s products and services;
• adverse results in legal disputes;
• unanticipated tax liabilities;
• quality or supply problems in Microsoft’s consumer hardware or other vertically integrated hardware and software products;
• impairment of goodwill or amortizable intangible assets causing a charge to earnings;
• exposure to increased economic and regulatory uncertainties from operating a global business;
• geopolitical conditions, natural disaster, cyberattack or other catastrophic events disrupting Microsoft’s business;
• acquisitions and joint ventures that adversely affect the business;
• improper disclosure of personal data could result in liability and harm to Microsoft’s reputation; and
• outages and disruptions of online services if Microsoft fails to maintain an adequate operations infrastructure.

For further information regarding risks and uncertainties associated with Microsoft’s business, please refer to the “Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations” and “Risk Factors” sections of Microsoft’s SEC filings, including, but not limited to, its annual report on Form 10-K and quarterly reports on Form 10-Q, copies of which may be obtained by contacting Microsoft’s Investor Relations department at (800) 285-7772 or at Microsoft’s Investor Relations Web site at

All information in this release is as of July 23, 2009. The company undertakes no duty to update any forward-looking statement to conform the statement to actual results or changes in the company’s expectations.

Lire aussi
MICROSOFT : Quel Bilan un an après le départ de Bill Gates ?
Microsoft enterre Live Search et lance son Bing mais ne convainc toujours pas la France
Microsoft : Baisse historique de 32% des bénéfices - 3000 postes supprimés

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Avatar de Traroth2
Membre émérite
Le 24/07/2009 à 10:34
Ce type de nouvelle, à peine un an après le départ de Bill Gates... Steve Ballmer passera pas l'été ! Ces déclarations concernant la priorité à accorder aux activités internet vont lui revenir en pleine poire !
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Avatar de Leonhart
Membre confirmé
Le 24/07/2009 à 11:19
Citation Envoyé par Traroth2 Voir le message
Ce type de nouvelle, à peine un an après le départ de Bill Gates... Steve Ballmer passera pas l'été ! Ces déclarations concernant la priorité à accorder aux activités internet vont lui revenir en pleine poire !
Pas du tout !

Ballmer mene très bien la barque Microsoft et il est dans la boite depuis aussi longtemps que Gates.

Avec le lancement de Seven, l'avénement de WiMo6.5, le projet Natal/Xbox360 et Bing ... l'année 2010 sera uen belle embelie pour MS.

Pour ce qui est de l'orientation web de MS, les choses seront différentes quand ils trouveront un accord avec Yahoo!
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