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Microsoft annonce un nouveau vice président pour la communication
Pensez-vous que Microsoft doit changer sa façon de communiquer ?

Le , par Pierre Louis Chevalier


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Microsoft Announces New Corporate Vice President of Communications Sector Austen Mulinder to drive industry solutions that help partners deliver and manage connected experiences across three screens.

REDMOND, Wash. — July 10, 2009 — Microsoft Corp. today announced that Austen Mulinder has been named corporate vice president of the Communications Sector, effective immediately. In this role, Mulinder will be responsible for leading and executing Microsoft’s sales and marketing strategy to telecommunications, hosting, media and entertainment companies. Mulinder will report to Simon Witts, corporate vice president of Microsoft’s Enterprise and Partner Group.

“Austen is incredibly passionate about how Microsoft can create value for its customers and partners,” Witts said. “He brings a wealth of sales and leadership experience from his previous roles and understands the importance of building trusted partnerships with our customers. By applying Microsoft innovation, Austen sees incredible potential in how this sector can create new opportunities through the unique combination of software and services to customers. It’s an opportune time for Austen to come to the Communications Sector, an organization that is focused on helping these industries adapt to a rapidly growing and increasingly competitive environment. These industries in particular are experiencing significant change in the way their customers are consuming digital content through high-speed broadband and mobile services. He believes this provides a significant partnering opportunity for Microsoft.”

Mulinder joined Microsoft in 2007 as vice president for Worldwide Enterprise Sales, where he successfully led the key sales capabilities for Microsoft’s Enterprise business, including directing global and multinational accounts, the incubation and category sales teams, the specialist sales community, and the global compete programs, with an approach that underscored sales excellence through execution.

Before he came to Microsoft, Mulinder served as president and CEO of Fujitsu Transaction Solutions Inc., a wholly owned Fujitsu company. Mulinder brings extensive global experience in sales, marketing, operations, software and hardware product development, and professional and operational services. He holds a law degree from the University of Nottingham, U.K.

Founded in 1975, Microsoft (Nasdaq “MSFT”) is the worldwide leader in software, services and solutions that help people and businesses realize their full potential.
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